As some of you already know, China is full of all kinds of crazy stuff to eat. And my mentality is that you have to try everything (kivahan se on kokkeilla ;). On the first week we heard about the Snake Wine, and its man power giving properties. Since then Janne and I have had a quest that we need to find out whether the rumour is true. Yesterday Janne's and mine quest for the holy Snake Wine had its fullfilment. Janne found a  grocery store right next to Jordan MTR station that sells the Snake Wine. Its nothing illegal about it, and the snake is not poisonous or endangered or anything (at least we think so...). At least it is not a cobra. 1l bottle of Snake Wine (40%) costed 250$.

The Snake Wine:

The taste was suprisingly smooth. Not bad at all. In fact in my opinion, it is better than Koskenkorva, since the snakish aftertaste smoothens the taste of liqour. But the rumour about man powers is probably just bullshit, since at least I didn't notice anything. Though perhaps it gives stamina or something, which I didn't have a change to empirically test...

After couple shots of Snake Wine we headed to Wang Chai, which is very popular and nice area with lots of clubs and bars. On Wednesday night there are ladies nights almost everywhere, it means free entrance and free drinks for the ladies... Equalism... But anyway, we had a good time =)