I already told about the camera shopping on Monday, but that was not all that happened. When we met Tung at noon, we actually went for a lunch and eating Dim Sum. Perhaps some of you already know a lot about Chinese food, but basically it is a collection of some small dishes made of anything imaginable. Didn't know what to expect when a local student takes some foreigners to their first Dim Sum, but here is a list and my personal evaluation of the dishes we (me, Janne and AJ) ate on our first one. At least the ones I can recall:
  • Small pieces of "meat" with bones on (mostly fat and "rusto") - Good
  • Some sweet tasting rice with chicken and pork meet wrapped in some leaves - Good
  • Sweet white bread with some smashed meat and stuff inside - Ok
  • Chinese meatballs - Ok, bit too sweet
  • Some white pancake like thing with mushrooms and some meat inside - Pretty good
  • Squid - Ok (tastes mostly of the spices used, but crunchy to eat)
  • Egg soup, with the special rotten green egg in it - Surprisingly ok
  • Chicken legs - Good
  • Cow lungs - Ok
  • Pig intestines with noodles - Not good, akward sour taste
Generally, it was an excellent experience. The restaurant was very nice (in Kowloon, Hung Hom pretty near the students Hall) and it costed like 50HK$/person, so pretty cheap. Tung had some good laughs wathing us trying to get a grip of the very slippery and heavy lumps. Difficult to eat with chopsticks if you've had less than a week of experience. By the way, I have eaten all my Chinese dinners and lunches with chopsticks from the very first time on. Noodles and rice with anything is easy, but try the Dim Sum ;)